

At 31 December 2013, CNAT employed 806 professionals who are the best guarantee of long-term success and our most valued support to confront the challenges that will present themselves in the coming years. The CNAT team is characterised by its experience and high levels of qualification: 45.15% hold a university degree.

During 2013 there were 8 new graduate recruits and in all cases they took part in an initial training programme and specific preparatory training before taking up their positions.

These recruits allow for staff turnover while ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the plants in the long-term. Regarding gender distribution, the current participation of females in the workforce is 8.3%.

Also, it should be noted that CNAT staff are continuously supported by personnel from external companies during normal operation of the plants, and especially during refuelling.
On 5 July 2013, the organisation’s Family Friendly Company emblem was renewed for a further period of 3 years. This confirmed our clear and vocational commitment to continuing advances on conciliation and equality of opportunity.



CNAT has a Prevention Service which is responsible for developing preventive actions, employing procedures and computer applications to ensure the participation of all staff in the risk prevention (Communication of risks and suggestions for improvement using the requests manager on the Intranet, and the Actions and Evaluation System AES).

Significant activities in 2013 included the implementation of a new organisational structure for the Prevention Service (a single one for the entire CNAT organisation) and work has continued to unify risk prevention procedures for the three workplaces, especially those relating to Health Surveillance. The prevention units at both plants have managed around 1400 preventive and corrective activities (716 at Almaraz and 660 at Trillo). As in previous years, there have been medical examinations of each risk group in accordance with the established schedule. In general, the number of supervised examinations and the number of services provided exceeded 15,000.

Almaraz-Trillo NPPs have taken major steps in recent years to reduce the accident rate through a combination of training and information actions, such as “just in time” sessions and formal preparatory meetings for work significant for Risk Prevention, and by means of awareness campaigns for the different risks.

The result of this continued effort have been obtained in the year 2013, both in Trillo and Almaraz, values from rates of accidents that can be considered acceptable, being noteworthy the severity rate decreased in both plants.

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Almaraz-Trillo Nuclear Power Plants have permanent resources devoted to planning and developing annual training plans for each workplace, both for initial training and for retraining and training in management skills.

Efforts to maintain the qualifications of personnel working at the plants in 2013 totalled 152,527.4 training hours and 5,351 individuals were trained.

The proportion of the training programmes devoted to retraining workers was 55% and the portion corresponding to initial training was 45%.

During 2013, 583 initial training and retraining courses were held for CNAT employees, with the participation of 7,878 attendees totalling 85,376.8 training hours. Notably, 97.7% of employees received some training, with an average training provision per employee of 89.4 hours, which represents a dedication of 5.4% of the working year. Regarding the group of women who are part of the CNAT team, 95% have participated in training activities during the year, receiving an average of 67.9 hours of training. Training programmes for future Plant operators, prior to joining the staff, have involved the provision of 14,589 hours of training during the year.

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In 2012 Almaraz-Trillo Nuclear Power Plants maintained the process of monitoring the qualification of contracting company personnel, and they have continued to encourage improvements in their training, by providing support for training activities scheduled for the staff, and by arranging specific training sessions for these workers. 42,934.9 hours of initial training were provided for contractor personnel, involving 3,521 attendees. In the area of retraining and refresher training, the attendance of employees from contracting companies at training activities planned for our own staff has been facilitated, resulting in an additional 6,493 external attendees who received 24,215.8 hours of training provided by CNAT. Overall, contracting company personnel received a total of 67,150.6 hours training, representing 44 % of the total training hours provided at the Almaraz-Trillo Nuclear Power Plants.


Internal communication plays a significant role at CNAT, and for that reason it employs several channels of communication with employees. In 2013 a new internal communication channel was launched: the magazine “Mundo CNAT” (CNAT World). It will be sent to the homes of all employees on a quarterly basis, with the goal of group creation, establishing linkages, encouraging the bonding of employees and disseminating information about the company.



with society

CNAT continues to maintain fluid and dynamic relationships with institutions which have responsibilities in the field of power plant performance, and 4 biannual meetings were held on this matter in 2013, two at each Plant, with the mayors of the municipalities in the areas of influence, and details of operating results and future plans and projects were provided. 171 personalised meetings were also held with mayors of the surrounding municipalities to study the relationships of the Plants with each municipality and potential collaboration channels on a bilateral basis. This year the managers of both plants have actively participated, in accordance with the annual frequency with which Local Information Committees are being developed, convened by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR), providing any information required at all times.


In addition to these relationships and to improve the knowledge of communication professionals about the activity of Plants, CNAT has renewed agreements with news agencies and associations most representative of the environment surrounding the Plants, through which it is seeking to promote the education and training of students in the final year of Information Sciences regarding nuclear originated electricity. A course was also held at Trillo about nuclear technology for media professional, which takes place every year.

Since being brought into service in 1977 and 1981 respectively, the information centres at Almaraz and Trillo, have received almost one million visitors, more specifically, 984,056. During 2013 these information centres have welcomed 8,219 visitors, 3,802 at Almaraz and 4,417 at Trillo. Most of the visitors were students of different levels, from schools and from educational establishments covering secondary education to university education.


CNAT continues to release publications, both periodic and specialised, and during 2013 issued 15 general interest publications, most available from the CNAT website (, which registered 39,000 visits during the year, and which together with the corporate blog, which also attracts an increasing number of visits (more than 18,000 in its two years of operation), confirms the growing interest of the public in understanding the activity that takes place at our installations and in the municipalities in their areas of influence.

Almaraz and Trillo Nuclear Power Plants are an important socio-economic reference point, as they represent an unquestionable source of jobs and wealth in their areas of influence. The commitment of the Plants to their neighbouring communities materialises in the form of support for initiatives that impact on improving the quality of life and economic and social development of their regions.

In 2013, agreements renewed annually for local development, regarding environmental issues or educational projects, included the agreement signed with the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of Extremadura and with IES “Zurbaran” at Navalmoral Mata, to implement the higher level training cycle programme “Industrial Automation and Robotics”, as part of the Dual Vocational Training educational project, being pioneered in Extremadura, and which aims to improve access to employment for unemployed individuals under 30 years of age. For two years and three months, 16 students will experience their practical training at Almaraz NPP, providing them with direct contact with the labour market and increasing their vocational qualifications in the field of nuclear energy.

CNAT is committed to its suppliers to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of products and associated services. Trading volume in 2013 was €345.1 M. Of the total number of suppliers (2,219) that the company has identified in the database, 93.2% (2,069) correspond to domestic suppliers.
